Monday, January 30, 2012

Life across the ocean

I write this while sitting in the library at New College which is the library attached to the Divinity School of Edinburgh University. While sitting here, I think of the library in which I sat for 4 years in Chicago while writing papers, reading books, falling asleep at my carrel and doing more talking with fellow students than work occasionally!!

I have a short time in Edinburgh - my city of birth and the city in which I spent a considerable number of years. It has hit me on more than one occasion that it is good to be here and I need to keep reminding myself of the privilege of being able to be here for this long. However, I know that as I sit, whether it is in this library, or at my parent's house, around the dinner table of friends or in a worship service at church, in front of a fireplace or lying flat out in front of the TV,  my time here in Scotland is precious time and while I get to be here, I need to use it well.

I have been immersing myself in the first letter of John, the same guy who wrote the 4th gospel. It's all about life and death...more of this in the next few days.

In him was LIFE  and that LIFE was the LIGHT of all people...

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