Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are we different?

I wrote this post several weeks ago and didn't post it. I think I want to now. What is it about being a disciple of Jesus Christ that makes us any different from the rest?
This is from September, 11, 2011

I read this morning from Seth Godin's blog;

"But now more than ever, I believe we have an obligation to stand up, stand out and to do work that matters. Wherever you are, there's an opportunity to be different, with respect."

He wrote those words on September 11 under a blog title, "It's different here." He was talking about New York; the good things about a city where over 40 languages are overheard in the public library, where every kind of food is found and can be cooked any way, where the city is constantly changing, constantly active and constantly vibrant.

I like that.

It led me to consider how, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are different and in ways that really make a difference for good. I was in Panera Bread last night, getting dinner before meeting up with a friend and the servers had misplaced my order. They were so apologetic that I stopped to wonder just how often they are spoken to less then graciously when food is not before us asap. We are so used to fast food being FAST that when it is slower than fast, we show frustration and annoyance rather than grace.

We have an opportunity to be different. May we be different with respect to how we are as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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