Recently I have been thinking about moments. In 1983 a movie called, "Yentil" came into our cinemas. Starring Barbra Streisand, the movie was filled with songs featuring the actress. I really liked the music and there was one song that I came to mind recently - "Moment." The lyrics start like this:
"There are moments you remember all your life. There are moments you wait for And dream, of all your life. This is one of those moments!"
I say this becuase I am continually being asked and ask of others, questions like, "How was your day?" The expected answer is either, good, bad, OK, "not too shabby" and anything other that is as committal or non-committal as I wish to be. However, I don't think that I have "good" days or "bad" days. What I have are days that are made up of good or bad or indifferent moments. There are moments when I am filled with hope and joy and notice God's creation around me and marvel at the miraculous nature of life and of which I get to be a part. Then there are moments when I wonder with loud screaming anxiety at how I will get through the rest of the day because hope and great expectation are so far from my current reality. So there are moments in each day that I will remember, perhaps not for all of my life but for a few days to come. Of course there are moments that I will remember all my life; my wedding day (or rather parts of it), graduation, watching a sunset, drinking wine with friends, while watching the sun set, hearing the breeze on the ocean as I sleep - can life really get any better?
I am learning to look for the moments when I am acutely aware of God's presence in my life and in the lives of others and how to cultivate more of those moments.
Today has been a mostly good day; more good moments than not so.
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