In the past week I got my life back; not my physical life, but my entire life; my whole life. It’s
taken a while, many conversations and reminders of the truth from God’s Word, not to mention some deep internal work and I have realized this by deeply understanding two things. The first is what it means to be a child of the Most High God; completely and utterly loved and there is NOTHING that can take that away from me. The second is connected to being fully loved. If that is the case then I can live free as a child of God through faith. My identity, worth and value do not come from human authority but from the God who has promised to never leave me or forsake me and LOVES me so much it was worth being brutalized and crucified so that I could have life and life to the full.
The first sermon I preached upon my return to the USA in March 2012 was about the choice
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched, this we proclaim to you concerning the Word of LIFE. The LIFE appeared, we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal LIFE which was with the Father and has appeared to us.”
What John is trying to help his readers to see is who this Jesus was and is – the Word of life. He wants us to know this and believe it for ourselves. We have to see it for ourselves and then believe that he is the LIFE; that life was the light of all people. John was one of those who got to be with and see Jesus up close for three years and it took some time for John to “get it.” But when he did, he uses every way he can to describe who Jesus was so that we get it too. God is light so live in the light – and LIVE. There is no other way of actually living a real life. Without the fellowship of the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, we are not living; we give the appearance of doing so because we are still walking around and we can still breathe in air and have a form of being alive.
So John says this is what we have seen and heard and looked at – this is the WORD of life. But
we have a choice; life or death. We make choices every day that lead to life or to death. We can get mad because something doesn’t work out for us. Someone hurts us and we can either retaliate or figure out ways to hurt back or we can forgive and move ahead. We spend longs hours on a work project and it’s rejected and we develop a complaining spirit or we continue to put in hours of excellence. We rub shoulders with people who don’t hold the values that we deem important and we allow them to define, categorize and label us and tell us stuff about ourselves that’s just not true. We can either allow discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, factions, envy, malice, hypocrisy and slander of every kind (acts of our sinful nature) to infiltrate our thoughts and speech and define us. Or we can make the choice of life and live by the Spirit being defined by love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. How much of either of those lists do you see in your
life – is there more of the latter than the former? It is a choice – always. The more we practice it, the more we will choose life out of habit and that will lead to more life and more of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Choose life – we are all children of God through faith. So if you know God – or rather are
known by God, allow the Spirit to work abundantly in your life. Don’t do what you think the world needs: do what makes you come alive and that is about choosing life.