Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The discipline of dreaming

I have not posted on my blog for a long time and whether or not anyone else reads this is neither here not there; I am writing as I process better when I write.

Last week I was one of 7500 attendees at the Global Leadership Summit hosted by the Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL. Actually there were over 130,000 people attending all across the USA via satellite sites hosted by churches and other organizations. Nearly a week has passed since the event and having read and heard much about attendees reflections and thoughts, I am wondering how many people will be saying in the next weeks, months and possibly, years, that it was this event that changed the way in which they now lead, empowered them to be courageous and move out to wherever God is leading them, and that there are no good descriptions of the impact of those 2 days. To summarize a comment from Bill Hybels, this was where they heard their "Leadership bell being rung:" LOUDLY. While listening to high caliber church, business and political leaders, this was the event where God spoke to us in such a powerful, meaningful and impacting way that there is only one way forward; create the future. Don't wait for others to create it for us.

I cannot say what will happen in the future. However I am convinced that I will be one of those people who site the 2 days of the Summit, August 11 and 12, 2011, as crucially defining moments of my life as one who follows Christ and has been given the responsibility to lead others in my role as a pastor. Phrases that come to mind describing what happened last week don't even come close to all that was going through me by Saturday; turned upside down, head messed with, never-be-the-same-again.

In the final session (the final of 12 sessions..........over 2 days), Erwin Mamanus stood up front with his Bible in hand and started to talk. Erwin was once asked if he had brought his "notes" to another message/sermon that he gave. He replied, "Notes..........notes...........yes, I have my notes." And then he directed the congregation;

"Open your notes to Matthew 11."

I frequent the website of the church, Mosaic, in LA to whom he pastors, and listen to the podcasts. Erwin ALWAYS brings such maturity and clarity to his congregation. This is some of what he shared at the Summit.

Isaiah 43: 18-19 says;
"Do not dwell on the past. Behold I am doing a new thing! Now is springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness..."
Will you even be aware of it? Will we even perceive it?

Then Erwin continued with his words;

"Evil men do not wait for permission from God to create the future they have in mind. But unfortunately good people sit idly by waiting for God to create a better world. Why do we wait for someone else to create a better future? Those of us who live in relationship to Jesus Christ should realize that we have been entrusted with this stewardship. But when you step into the presence of the creator of the universe, EVERYTHING becomes new."

Another line that resonated with me was this one from another speaker at the Summit; Seth Godin;

"We all wait to get picked. Don't wait to get picked; pick yourself."

So this is my job. To realize the that every human being has potential and to help them find and use the gifts that God has given them. I believe that every human being that has ever been born on this planet is made in the image of God with all the creativeness that comes with that image. God was a artist first; a creator first before anything else. God saw all that he had made and it was VERY GOOD.

There is a lot more that I am processing through six days after I drove home from this inspiring and motivating event. My mindset is changing. It has been challenged to change for the better.

In writing to the Romans, the Apostle Paul said this;

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

So as I continue to process what I heard last week and figure out ways of implimenting some of what was so inspiring, I am focusing on what a new mindset looks like for me.

More on this later.
